We have made changes to the inventory system (previously it was just a container). The first change is the separation between your inventory and any containers you are holding.
The new inventory looks like this:
It's still a prototype, so we will improve the art and make it clearer which slot belongs to what location on the body.
To open your inventory, press 'I' or right-click on your character and open via the drop-down menu.
The inventory system has the following slots:
The clothing slots have multiple layers available, so you can wear a shirt underneath a jacket, or socks underneath your shoes.
Hair is currently treated as an item until we improve the tech, but this at least allows players to customize their hair. Think about it like a wig, for now.
The backpack (currently portrayed by a cardboard box) is a wearable storage container. We will eventually add other slots, for example, items in your hands, or accessories.
This new system took a lot of work, but it enables us to remove and swap clothing items, which wasn't possible before. We have a ton of different clothes to experiment with, though they are just placeholder art and need improvements.
Dyeing Machine
Another of the biggest changes we've made is that players are now able to dye their clothes:
Clothes can have up to 3 colors per item - if the item supports it. The example above is a top with 3 different fabrics enabled. You can choose to dye them all the same color, or you can change the colors - we have a palette of default colors to choose or you can use the advanced color wheel or HEX number for more creative control.
We also have a recycling machine that can be used to delete items.
This deletes objects permanently, so be careful about using it. In the future, the plan is that you will get refunded money or materials for the items that are recycled, but this isn't implemented right now.
Another awesome addition is that furniture can be purchased and placed in the game world, and moved around! This includes walls - which means you can design the layout of your own apartment. It's currently very WIP and needs new art.
The furniture system also supports layering!
This means that you can walk behind furniture - and you can place items on top of furniture!
This is still a work-in-progress system, so it doesn't always look right, but we'll iterate in the future.
Admin Tools
There have been numerous other fixes that help developers. For example, the ability to lock items in place (the yellow lines indicate locked items) means that players won't be able to move them. We wouldn't want players moving doors or walls without building permissions, after all. We will add permissions for players to lock down furniture in their own apartments in the future.
The red boxes are a new addition as well - they allow developers to place and edit exits between rooms with a visual editor, rather than typing commands.
We also have the addition of a map! This shows the rooms of the area that you're in, as well as their connections. It should make it easier to navigate, but is also really useful for building.
Final Thoughts
There has been a lot of other work going on behind the scenes, like the development of a scripting system that will allow developers to create even more content. But we're now ready to do some player testing for all these new features!
If you're interested in being a playtester, come join our Discord and ask how to get started:
That's all for now! Stay tuned for more updates and cool features.